
Examples of Irony ironies

Following is a collection of all Irony ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Irony

Is It Ironic That...?

1726 A lawyer gets sued

1727 Currency is worthless and relative

1728 this website isn't ironic.

1729 a female slave's job is to produce more slaves with a married man? (female slave and married man are not married together)...

1730 slave owners want to be free.

1731 a stopped clock will still tell you the right time if you happen to check it at the time that coincides with where the hands have stopped?...

1732 You are in a traffic jam when you are already late because you are on your way to the hospital because your brother just had a car crash....

1733 someone steps into a puddle and you make fun of them... and the next thing you know - YOU step in one...

1734 a person who claims to be an expert on irony falsely labels something ironic?...

1735 That a Career Counsler never used the career services department at their school....

1736 Is it ironic that in a file cabinet of tax forms for every year, the one you need is missing?...

1737 In a country with so much wealth, there is so much poverty.

1738 I know what irony is yet im using this site

1739 the fire safety lectures at work were cancelled as the screen caught fire...

1740 a highlighter is black?

1741 ...if you have a phobia of longs words you have to tell people that you have Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia?...

1742 we went to Wales on a camping holiday hoping for it to be sunny. It rained solidly until the last day when it was sunny....

1743 the fire station is on fire

1744 you can die in the living room?

1745 Stress Relief Candles burned my house down?

1746 people don't understand irony?

1747 cheese smells, yet it doesn't have a nose?

1748 you can't pee (or number 2) in the toilet section of the hardware store?...

1749 after somebody told me that a guy was killed with one bullet, and I asked him where the man was shot, the reply was, "In his living room" (as apposed to, for example, in the chest)? PS: Could this be considered double-ironic, because the room was the "living" room (and the guy is no longer living)?...

1750 you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't