Following is a collection of all Death ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.
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Is It Ironic That...?
1 "Is it ironic that I'm past saving yet I still want to be saved?"...
2 A blind man "witnesses" a murder.
3 Is it ironic that Darth Plagueis the Wise could save others from his death, but not himself?...
4 a heart specialist died from cardiac arrest?
5 Alec Baldwin accidentally shot and killed a person while filming a movie about an accidental lethal shooting....
6 Is it ironic that Darth Plagueis could save others from death, but not himself....
8 millions of patients are kept alive at exorbitant costs, yet a small virus can wipe out, as many, in as short a period as a few months?...
9 multiple staff members in an office that has repeatedly declared that the Covid-19 virus is "disappearing" contract the illness themselves....
10 A person who is shot didn't know they were hit and tried to pick up a weapon but couldn't...
11 People dont like being afraid but they still watch horror films
12 People dont like being afraid but they still watch horror films
13 A surgeon is afraid of blood?
14 in many Aboriginal Dreamtime stories, the Southern Cross constellation represents the first coming of death, but the British chose to put it on the Australian flag right next to the Union Jack. Or is that just a genocide thing?...
15 then the Indian corner-shop's yellow sign bursts though the grey
16 Its ironic that A woman thinks her boyfriend is acting strangely because he's about to propose, but the audience knows that he is planning to run away with another woman, intensifying emotions....
17 famous people are best known when they die?
18 is it ironic that our parents died on the same day?
19 is ironic that our parents died on the same day?
20 you jump from the Niagara Falls and survive, and a week later die from stepping on an orange peel and slip....
21 i saw this in a video, this is not supposed to be ironic, i just saw this site on a video and looked it up as a joke....
22 somebody who killed someone sleeps sound like the dead?
23 being kicked out of the military for murdering people and returning home, only to be employed as a hit man....
24 A man is killed by a falling hard hat
25 A man is killed by a falling hard hat