
Examples of Irony ironies

Following is a collection of all Irony ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Irony

Is It Ironic That...?

1 is it ironic if you and your friend are curling your hair and she touches the hot part and you laugh but the next thing you know your grabbing the hot part...

2 Is it ironic that a new, tax exempt, car has been booted for not having tax? (I am assuming that the owner has not registered the car as tax exempt)...

3 My grandma asks me three good things and she is truly upset

4 Is it ironic that my friend thinks she's good at english even though she misspells every other word in texting?...

5 irony is so misunderstood by the general public that there is a website designed to remedy that which relies on that same general public to decide what irony is....

6 Is it ironic that a person dropped out of the best school to join the worst one?...

7 Dusty, a member of GI Joe who grew up in the desert, specializes in air-conditioning maintenance?...

8 watching a dude yell at dudes about being dudes, is that kind of ironic?...

9 if it were a cold, rainy gray day, you might say, What a beautiful day!...

10 Joe Biden is our President

11 That the one character designed to be a side-character became the protagonist in its environment (in a video game) and the protagonist in other movie in the end escaped from this environment (he was trapped in a tV series) because he did not wanted to be protagonist anymore? They are characters from the two movies Free Guy and The Truman Show....

12 The most basic people in my class are calling me basic?

13 George Caragonne, who had written an anti-drug story for Marvel Comics in 1993, became a heavy cocaine user in 1995?...

14 a Piggly Wiggly has become a Planet Fitness?

15 JFK's assassin ends up getting shot himself?

16 a race-car driver dies in an automobile accident?

17 Is it ironic that You want to be a vaccum cleaner but you don't want cleaning...

18 I left a guy who was cruel for a guy that was nice and now that same guy who was nice is cruel....

19 Why was it ironic when nicotinic acid was found in a variety of foods

20 Is it ironic that the highest scoring offense in the NFL got shutout?

21 My brother claims that a hard drive is his even though it has all my documents on it?...

22 We celebrate independence day because we didn't wanna pay a foreign government taxes, but today we make US citizens living abroad pay taxes to the US government?...

23 the Monroe County (Mississippi) sheriff's last name is Crook?

24 When you're in a store where you don't work, people automatically assume you work there and ask where something is, yet when you're at the store where you do work, people have to ask if you work there, even though they can clearly see you have a uniform and nametag?...

25 a cop gets a traffic ticket?