
Examples of Death ironies

Following is a collection of all Death ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Death

Is It Ironic That...?

301 ... The creator of Segway died riding a Segway

302 an ambulance ran over the person they were about to pick up

303 the inventor of the petard crusher was accidentally hoist on his own invention?...

304 in 1981, while standing next to his car, President Ronald Reagan was hit in the chest by a bullet fired by John Hinkley Jr. In fact, Hinkley's bullet completely missed President Reagan, but then ricocheted off the car's bulletproof window, and struck President Reagan in the chest....

305 In 1912 the Titanic was touted as "100% unsinkable", and yet the ship sank on its maiden voyage....

306 An ambulance driver rushes to the scene of an accident, only to run the victim over, because the victim crawled into the middle of the street in the darkness of night....

307 Dying of thirst, you get spines on your tongue chewing a cactus...when there's a puddle of water nearby...

308 special scissors for cutting plastic "suicide packaging" are sold in "suicide packaging"?...

309 that which does not kill us makes us stronger?

310 you will have your greatest knowledge of life when you are closest to death?...

311 "A Nebraska teenager - dressed as a mobile breathalysing unit for a Halloween party - was pulled over on his way home and arrested for drink-driving." - The Daily Mail (UK)...

312 A man is unaware that another man, who is helping him find information, wants to kill him....

313 a person terrified of cars dies in a train accident

314 A person who can't see dies because they can't see?

315 a person with a peanut allergy chokes and dies on some nut free chocolate?...

316 a boy dressed up as a vampire for halloween dies of blood loss?

317 the ambulance ran over somebody

318 An inmate who was sentenced to death hanged himself in his cell less than a week after a judge commuted his sentence to life without parole...

319 a swimming instuctor drowned from not warming up?

320 the boy got ran over by an ambulance?

321 A serial rapist is finally caught and sent to jail only to be raped by the other inmates...

322 Liam Neeson in "Love Actually" played a widower, and then his real-life wife also died?...

323 in a word-count of obituaries, the word "life" is usually the most common....

324 Saddam pretended to have chemical weapons in order to prevent neighbouring countries from attacking?...