
Examples of Coincidence ironies

Following is a collection of all Coincidence ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Coincidence

Is It Ironic That...?

1101 I said Lucy could spell, and betted on her in the spelling contest, but then it turns out I spell better than her brother?...

1102 a man has the power to come up with the most fitting names for everything that needs naming, yet never can come up with a name for himself...

1103 You can get a MALE lesbian?

1104 Dying in the Living room.

1105 you choke on a lifesaver lolly :L

1106 A man wins a lottery and dies the next day

1107 a thief stole a fake diamond from a museum rather than the real diamond....

1108 the fire station burned down

1109 a rock breaks and falls to the ground when striking the window it was thrown at?...

1110 A person died in the living room

1111 a man and a women both sold there possessions to buy each other Christmas gifts...

1112 a bouncy ball doesn't bounce?

1113 Is it ironic that... A supermodel sun baking topless on a popular beach receives a fine from two policeman for indecent exposure?...

1114 A girl's father says "Come on! Just do your homework! It's not going to kill you!" and then she dies of blood loss from a paper cut she got on her homework....

1115 I should be offered a job over the phone, only to then meet meet unexpectedely the next day with the boss of the company, whilst on a golfing trip with friends?...

1116 I am selling expensive suits at Nordstrom while wearing a cheap suit from target....

1117 I can never find things I'm looking for when I'm in a hurry?