Following is a collection of all Technology ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.
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Is It Ironic That...?
201 I went to an/a Apple store with my friend to get his malfunctioning iPod fixed, and then while waiting for the staff to process some paperwork, we notice the staff at the store were all using PCs with Windows, in an/a Apple store! Is that ironic?...
202 you spend your entire life savings on a wallet?
203 The car you just stole gets hi-jacked
204 HD Television is so realistic, you can tell the movie props are fake. -Ross :D...
205 A man in a clock store asked the time
206 The car salesman did not own a car.
207 that I posted a video about how boring and useless Facebook is on Facebook?...
208 a driver passes a car accident on a road. The driver is paying so much attention to the wreck instead of the road ahead of him that he crashes his car. (This phenomenon is also known as rubbernecking - a horribly dangerous and foolish thing for drivers to do!)...
209 while heading to the tire repair shop to rotate our wheels, our tires get punctured and find out that the shop is closed?...
212 A person with ADHD drove a Ford Focus
213 Sally said to Ben:"When I call you up, your phone is busy," and then Ben called Sally and her phone was busy....
214 the owner of Segway died upon accidentally steering his own Segway off a cliff?...
215 The Apple website does not have an iPhone specific home page that fits its tiny screen?... Even though it's one of the links that the iPhone's web browser comes with by default?...
216 The Apple Iphone 4 is a model meantto represent the very best in technology... has a problem with reception. And the way to fix it is to use duc tape, something that is of low or no technology....
217 The end of a Rube Goldberg Machine(a device designed to do a simple task in an excessively complex manner)ends in a staples easy button that says "that was easy"?...
218 A link at the bottom of the web page which reads "Accessibility" and is for those with disabilities such as partial-sightedness, is light grey on a white background and is in a very small font?...