
Examples of Technology ironies

Following is a collection of all Technology ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Technology

Is It Ironic That...?

151 I might use hash-tags on Facebook as an ode to Twitter, knowing it is lame-ass to do so but do it anyway?...

152 Is it ironic that my friend sent me 'K' as a response to a text and then i sent a really long response on why K is an inappropriately short answer to a text, and it turns out he had pressed send too soon and didnt mean to send such a short rude answer?...

153 I posted a quote from Einstein on Facebook that states ' I fear the day that technology surpasses Human intervention. the world will have a generation of idiots'...

154 A player on the well knowen video game Halo 4 has a nametag saying "D3athtoAll" but he doesn't score any kills himself, or assists?...

155 Is it ironic that they have braille letters on the keypad for drive thru ATMS?...

156 ...on the professional editing services web-site, (tagline, "you write it we right it") the first thing many users see is a typo,a tab stating "Who we serve"...It should be "Whom..."...

157 Only idiots seem to drive Smart Cars

158 the man who invented dynamite won the Nobel Peace Prize?

159 using an apple product a day does not keep the doctor away?

160 someone who hates America has it listed that they live in America on Facebook?...

161 my PS3 controller holder is in a shape of Mario from Super Marios?

162 ...being connected 24/7 via smartphone or e-mail to your job leads to burnout and feeling disconnected from yourself and everything else in your life?...

163 I am a technology specialist and I do not own a cell phone?

164 my speakers are shaped like a monitor?

165 there is an account on my computer called "administrator" but it's actually a standard account?...

166 the new Amazon Kindle "Paperwhite" has a black bezel?

167 A developer told us that no update or change had occurred that should cause the error to the website forms we were experiencing. The developer would not confirm any change had even occurred when asked. We insisted there must have been a change or the issue would not exist. Not long after a client reports the exact same issue on a different website form using that developers same systems that handle forms. Clearly there was a change and it did affect the forms. Contrary to what the developer would have us believe....

168 ... a recent article from the Washington Post about quitting Facebook also has an option to login with Facebook to continue reading the rest of the article?...

169 Is it ironic to call a nano technology scientist a little smart?

170 as a joke I told a friend to delete his facebook to make his life happier after he had one too many posts about how facebook was making him miserable...through my own facebook....

171 all the posts in the "post something ironic" thread on a forum are NOT ironic!...

172 there are innovative, new cell phone handsets that are made to look like retro, analog phone handsets?...

173 In a video game, you don't help your teammates, but they still help you despite not receiving any help from you....

174 I curled my hair with a straightener.

175 my social life is on the internet