
Examples of Science ironies

Following is a collection of all Science ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Science

Is It Ironic That...?

51 global warming can lead to global cooling?

52 "We know exactly where one cow with Mad-cow-disease is located, among the millions and millions of cows in America but we haven’t got a clue as to where thousands of illegal immigrants and terrorists are located"...

53 98% of Earths water is undrinkable...

54 A no rust can rusts....

55 a person is going on and on about how he cares about the earth but then proceeds to flick his cigarette into the grass?...

56 A headline in a science journal read: 'Arctic Armageddon Needs More Science, Less Hype'?...

57 When a Shatter resistant ruler shatters.

58 a ruler interferes with my ability to draw a straight line?

59 ...I am having Dino Nuggets for dinner while reading an Anthony Bourdain book?...

60 a forest service fire tower burned down?