
Examples of School ironies

Following is a collection of all School ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: School

Is It Ironic That...?

101 at 66, I am starting the second half of my junior year in college.

102 I am a college student and, as an aspiring English as a second language teacher, I was complimented for my English teaching skills because I taught a non-native speaker of English (another college student) four words to express one is drunk without using the word "drunk"?...

103 I worked on a very stressful semester-long project about the effects of stress....

104 A smart kid in math asked a smart kid in English, "Do you know what the worth of floccinaucinihilipilfication is?". The smart kid in English said, "That's floccinaucinihilipilfication!", pointing at a sticker with no stickiness....

105 i and, presently, a very good friend of mine have never spoken a word to each other when we were in school together for 12 years?...

106 a student hands in a spelling test, spelling every word wrong except for the word illiterate....

107 I'm presenting a speech on sleep deprivation on my last day of finals. My speech is on the cognitive effects of sleep deprivation....

108 In a class where the students were being taught how to spell idiot, someone spelt it wrong?...

109 A school had a fire drill in very cold weather with almost all of the kids having no jackets on got caused by someone who accidentally burnt popcorn in the teacher's lounge?...

110 is someone ruses to do something say using theatrical devises, but end up doing it all the time?...

111 the high school graduate wrote concise, coherent comments on a well done work performance, while the highly educated woman wrote comments that sounded like Dr. Seuss...

112 Is it ironic that my Creative Writing professor can't come up with an ironic statement?...

113 Is it ironic that a teacher sends home a letter asking pupils to take more care over their homework and the letter has a spelling error in it...

114 Is it ironic that the power in a school goes out, only to go back on in a minute, then goes out again?...

115 The only way to teach students about conformity through a poem, is to force them to read the poem, and think about it...

116 a school teacher is angry because she was sent home a note and didn't read it and then angrily says that she should be sent an email?...

117 I dropped out of my accounting degree because I hated the subject. Five years later my career path has lead me to becoming an accountant....

118 a teacher, with very liberal political views, gets to go to England by the "No Child Left Behind Act" made law by a conservative president?...

119 is it ironic that a teenager, who wants to be a personal injury lawyer one day, hit another classmate over the head with a text book and giving his classmate a concussion?...

120 I am not motivated to do my homework for "Motivational Processes in Psychology"?...

121 As a reward for never being late for school, a girl was given a limousine ride to school on her last day. The limousine couldn't get round the corner into the car park and the girl arrived late....

122 Someone wrote "I am Communication major but i only know how to writing papers instead of communicating with people. Good job UCSD." Is it ironic that with them talking about how they are poor communicators, they said "writing" instead of "write"?...

123 A big billboard advertising a grammar school reads "Christian Brothers' Grammar School" - Is that Ironic...

124 a childminder has advertised educational services with the statement 'I also help there learning and development'?...

125 a childminder has advertised educational services with the statement 'I also help there learning and development'?...