
Examples of Religion ironies

Following is a collection of all Religion ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Religion

Is It Ironic That...?

126 Atheist wears crosses?

127 God's power is made perfect in weakness?

128 a Christian says that without the morality of God you can't say that what Hitler did was wrong, when, according to their Bible, there God has on many occasions committed, commanded, and condoned acts of genocide....

129 God forgives, but we go to hell?

130 God Answers Prayers of Paralyzed Little Boy "No," Says God

131 Is it ironic that some, by virtue of their intelligence, conclude that there is no intelligent being (God) who created us?...

132 Theodore meaning "gift from god", is the name of an Atheist.

133 a bishop going to a synogogue?

134 Jesus was a scruffy, bearded, smelly man that preached about love and tolerance and was constantly berated by Jews. Some philanthropists today are also scruffy, bearded, and smelly and are berated by Christians as being "stupid hippies."...

135 you met an angel name satan?

136 there are wooden cross necklaces that conceal blades inside for self protection?...

137 Is it ironic when someone is not serious about being agnostic?

138 I go to church every Sunday even though I don't believe in God?

139 that jesus was killed by jews and was a jew himself

140 (certain) people that defend the Bible cannot spell 'religion'?

141 Is it ironic that there are no churches on Church Street?

142 before a priest became a saint, he was playing yesterday in the casino

143 a priest reading Playboy magazine

144 Locks uses a biblical quote "God has given the earth to the children of men; given it to mankind in common." as a supporting quote that the earth is humans to own when the Bible preaches that man is a steward to the earth not the owner...

145 Is it ironic that Christians express outrage over Christmas losing it's Christian origins, when in fact Christians hijacked the holiday from other non-Christian myths and traditions to make it easier to convert new followers?...

146 Pope Pius II and Pope Innocent VIII both had illegitimate children before they chose their papal names?...

147 A church put out a note apologies referring to the fact that a peacemaking conference had to be canceled due to conflict....

148 ...a class on prophecy at a church was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances?...

149 a religious zealot will not allow his children to read the Harry Potter series because it deals with superstition, mysticism, and evil. Instead he insists his children read the Holy Bible instead....

150 atheist sues for religious discrimination