
Examples of News ironies

Following is a collection of all News ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: News

Is It Ironic That...?

26 Kevin Spacey was in a film called The Usual Suspects, in which he feined a weakness to gain sympathy and invented a story to escape prosecution....

27 rapper BOB started a GoFundMe to launch satellites to prove the Earth is flat, despite the science of rocket launching is based on curvature of the earth?...

28 President Trump may have to call upon Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore to step down from consideration because of multiple allegations of sexual assault?...

29 I forgot it was remembrance day

30 Kevin Spacey's career is collapsing like a House of Cards?

31 you wear a "we love you Las Vegas" t-shirt and argue against gun control laws...

32 A member of Iceland's Pirate Party just injured her eye and had to appear on TV wearing an eyepatch....

33 the DailyMail states that Katie Ledeceky state that she dominated the sport but that her swimming career started from following her brother's footsteps?...

34 a person proclaims their love of Trump, their dislike of what CNN is doing to him, and then admits that they don't really watch the news. They mainly get information from online sometimes....

35 Is it ironic that people wave confederate flags and tell other people, "Get over it. You lost"?...

36 Torch Tower in Dubai cought fire

37 Guns won't be allowed at Trump's NRA speech?

38 Hitler is considered a one of the bad guys

39 Trump wants to build a wall to keep out immigrants to keep USA safe while at the Sam time trying to open our country up to Russian enemies who are our enemies...

40 Donald Trumps wife and his ex wife are immigrants

41 we determine a President of the United States by determining how our states are divided....

42 the world creates its own problems

43 Is it ironic that the word "racist" has now become an overly broad umbrella term attached to a bunch of demeaning stereotypes (ignorant, hillbilly, missing teeth, etc)?...

44 hillary isn't in prison

45 is it ironic that trump supporters are now complaining about anti trump protesters ?...

46 Trump has come up trumps.

47 Is it ironic to write "no comment" in a webpage's comment section?

48 Killer legends apeareare years early before the scary clown sighting appeared...

49 A policeman and a man who have bag which contained a lot of money were engaged in a chase. The policeman stole the man's wallet so the man was trying to catch up him....

50 Donald Trump criticizes the New York Times by saying, "They don't write good?"...