
Examples of Literary ironies

Following is a collection of all Literary ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Literary

Is It Ironic That...?

201 our teacher defines irony as "incongruity between what happens and what is expected to happen", hands us a book of short stories and tells us that they all have ironic endings, thus making us expect ironic endings?...

202 Is a double entendre necessarily ironic?

203 a boy does not want to take a test if he is pressured by society to do so. But once society says that he must take the test or quit being a smarty pants, he decides to take the test. This is for a story I am writing....

204 A woman says she has been the recipient of anonymous e-mail message when ironically she is the one creating the anonymous messages sent to herself and others....

205 Tom Sawyer in Huckleberry Finn forced the members of his gang sign an oath in blood and swear not to divulge the group's secrets, but when a boy threatens to betray that promise, Tom simply offers him a bribe....

206 people in a book are trying to destroy a prison and after being caught they're put there themselves?...

207 you are writing a dissertation on vampires, and it becomes so taxing that it just sucks the life out of you...

208 In a novel, two brothers announce their intention to murder a man to everyone who happens to pass their way for an entire morning. A third of the people they meet support their decision, a third try to warn the potential victim, but fail, for various reasons, and a final third attempt to stop the brothers, but for whatever reason, fail. Finally, the brothers hide next to the front door of their target, only to discover that the man, finding his front door inconvenient, in general chooses to leave through the back door of his home....

209 the moor is dark beneath the moon?

210 Is it ironic that "another scheme I had was to translate some songs from French into English, but no one wanted to sing them?"...

211 the author who wrote a book about the Malvern Hills is then reading the book itself on the Malvern Hills?....

212 I had to explain the word comprehensible for a low literacy audience?

213 ...if you write a essay about how hard it is to write an essay?

214 Charles is convicted as a sex offender ,and is released early because of good behavior but later commits the same crime once again....

215 meredith decides to live with her grandmother because she is terrified to go home , but a few hours later she heads home...

216 Blind people are not allowed in a competition, but this blind girl still goes on the stage and performs and at the end the judges get to know that she was blind....

217 a website that espouses its expertise doesn't use the proper possessive form? It is, after all, the readers' verdict, not a single reader's verdict.

-- Noted and fixed, thank you. Perhaps this is a good example of Murphy's Law, whereby any written piece regarding 'correct form' will undoubtedly contain mistakes. ...

218 Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451, is consistently on the top 100 list of banned books in the US....

219 someone will write a poem about how homework takes forever, and then they realize they're done?...

220 In Frankenstein, is it ironic that the creature says the cottagers were his protectors...

221 the dictionary entry for "short" is really, really long?

222 Hamlet uses Socratic irony rather than tragic irony to expose his father's murder....

223 In Harry Potter, "the boy who lived" died, than came back to life?...

224 Hester's daughter Pearl from the Scarlet Letter thinks she will also eventually have to wear a scarlet letter like her mom when she gets older?...

225 a husband gave his wife a skunk for Valentine...