
Examples of Literary ironies

Following is a collection of all Literary ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Literary

Is It Ironic That...?

101 in the poem "My Last Duchess", the persona - the Duke - hates his wife for having a 'spot of joy' on her cheek in reality, but then admires a painting of her which shows that exact trait? Is it ironic because the viewer would expect a person who admires a painting to love the object of the painting but he doesn't?...

102 In the Odyssey, the goddess Athena disguises herself as an old man and uses special sandals to walk on the water to get to Ithaka. Telemakhos, the man whom she stays with, questions the goddess-appearing-as-man about how he arrived in Ithaka, saying "What kind of ship is yours ... I don't suppose you walked here on the sea."...

103 A web site that offers a free course on editing and proof reading has three glaring typos....

104 on "How to Write a Resume" someone is trying to emphasis the importance of "the attention todetail", yet forgets to include a space between the words?...

105 I loved the book The Book Thief by Mark Zusak; I decided not to give it back to the owner....

106 Is it ironic that Mrs Bennet is always telling her daughters to find a husband when she is in fact the one repelling the men away?...

107 there is an S in the word "lisp"

108 When a grammar nazi who corrected your grammar makes a grammatical error...

109 Is it ironic that in Shakespeare's Hamlet, the To Be or Not To Be soliloquy reveals Hamlet's growing madness, whilst immediately after this scene Claudius determines that Hamlet is not mad?...

110 'He near laughed at the irony of giving a boy advice on living and girls while he himself still hadn't experienced the pleasures of a relationship with one.' This is a sentence from my story. One question: Is this Irony?...

111 in Shakespeare's 'King Lear', Lear divides up his kingdom hoping to prevent future conflict but his actions actually cause conflict. where, if he had probably left it until after his death, there would have been no conflict?...

112 I have a stuffed tiger named Calvin?

113 a dyslexic person used maths to justify the reason why they do not read books?...

114 Once Oedipus saw the truth of his circumstances, he blinded himself.

115 I dont know the defenition of ironic, yet I claim things as ironic.

116 the younger sister in Agnes Owens' short story 'The Lighthouse' says to her sibling "I hope a monster doesn't get you" and later in the story, a monster in fact, gets them both....

117 To write sieg heil in hebrew

118 The woman in the novel, who is not perceived as being very strong has to be strong for her daughter whom is very depressed, even suicidal?...

119 Silence can have many levels of feelings that are unexpressed, but does not necessarily mean goodbye....

120 Is is ironic that - I've just looked up the word tautology, and it pretty much repeats the same definition four times.

121 A list of books under 200 pages, meant for readers withs short attention spans, is given as an infographic rather than a list...

122 Is it ironic that someone says, "It's great to have pneumonoultamicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!"....

123 A woman posts a proud picture of her child's writing, highlighting their "correct" use of the word "their" and lamenting that even many 30 year olds can't get this correct. The usage isn't correct....

124 the fictitious novel's plot was the constant surveillance of computer comments by employees and non-employees. Upper management stole thousands of dollars from this same company and went unnoticed....

125 An article on grammar contains a grammatical error?