
Examples of Irony ironies

Following is a collection of all Irony ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Irony

Is It Ironic That...?

1451 a man suffered a heart attack after eating a "triple bypass burger" at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas...

1452 I'm on a diet, but my lunch will always be hamburgers.

1453 A backpacker hiking in the woods with bear spray gets eaten by a bear

1454 A man goes to a fitness center, but inside he takes an escalator to the upper floor....

1455 An evil heartless person born on Valentine's Day

1456 someone choked and died from a lifesaver?

1457 conservationists ended up accidentally killing a rhino at an anti-poaching demonstration?...

1458 A person that works on making gardens does not like to deal with mud

1459 There is a rehab for alcholics and outside there is a men sitting outside with a beer....

1460 the bus that takes me home from school, number 25, was late. While I was waiting bus number 2 and number 5 parked side by side and left simultaneously before number 25 came?...

1461 A witty saying proves nothing

1462 a baby is conceived at an abortion rally?

1463 there is nothing ironic about Alanis Morrisette's song titled "Ironic" except that it is a song written about irony by somebody who doesn't know what it is....

1464 Is it ironic that an individual posted this as their Facebook status? D.R.A.M.A Dumb Retards Asking for More Attention...

1465 the majority of people mislabel non-ironic things as "ironic"?...

1466 this is not an irony and it's on this website?

1467 a worker misspelled School "SHCOOL" on the street at a School Crossing?...

1468 Is it ironic that a fireman's house burnt down?

1469 Is it ironic that a expert on traffic was late for her meeting to discuss traffic problems because she was stuck in traffic?...

1470 Is it ironic that a police station was burglarized?

1471 I called someone a 'fat slag' only to realise that I'm a fat slag myself?...

1472 I was walking through a large hallway and noticed a sign in the middle of the floor that said "CAUTION: TRIPPING HAZARD". I looked around but there was nothing in the hall to trip on except for the sign....

1473 A person on a Married and Flirting site demanded fidelity from someone she was flirting with....

1474 a man not wanting to care for a baby, sit with the baby and watches "The Odd Couple" on T.V.?...

1475 "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." By Jane Austen...