
Examples of Irony ironies

Following is a collection of all Irony ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Irony

Is It Ironic That...?

1151 No one wants to be labeled as something but in order to describe ourselves we put labels on ourselves....

1152 Someone would refer to Jews living in Nazi Germany as a 'protected group' (using the modern legal definition of the term)....

1153 Is it ironic that I left for my summer holiday when it was beautiful whether at home and raining when I arrived at the destination?...

1154 I have to pay (to buy a software) for getting my tax refunds.

1155 Is it ironic that I have a tattoo of the phrase fear nothing in latin and yet I suffer with anxiety?...

1156 My Chinese Zodiac sign is the horse. Ironically, I am terrified of horses....

1157 A vegetarian gets killed by an animal?

1158 Is it ironic that today I spent all of my money on an expensive wallet?...

1159 a man was arrested for drunk driving after driving on the lawn of the birth place of Alcoholics Anonymous?...

1160 I bought a computer for my boyfriend and decided to return it b/c we are not speaking. Without knowing who the computer was for, my boyfriend's nephew told me don't return it give it to me....

1161 I am enjoying christmas on facebook in a foreignland alone.

1162 Is it ironic that the sign indicating the Fema trailer is a Police substation was stolen?...

1163 I'm called a butter muffin when I don't eat gluten or dairy

1164 I am 6 feet tall and 'tower' over my boss who's 5 feet tall, yet today I will present her with an award which communicates she's the 'tower of strength' for our team?...

1165 a black person is racist against black people

1166 your friend looks like a mess and you tell them that they look good

1167 a world full of alive ice cream cones eat humans for a treat

1168 now that Kurzweil has been hired by Google, his own incompetence will derail the technological advance of our civilisation and he will in effect be the architect of the failure of his own predictions of Singularity?...

1169 you were born with a rose and then die with a rose?

1170 Is it ironic that someone makes the statement " I believe in karma, and I hope he wrecks his car and dies"....

1171 Iceland is mostly grassy and Greenland is mostly icy?

1172 Santa doesn't spend Christmas with his family?

1173 a policeman got pulled over for speeding?

1174 the local butcher is a vegetarian?

1175 Caption: This would be deemed "life" by scientists if discovered on Mars" (picture a single cell viewed through a microscope above the caption). Caption: This is not considered "Life" by pro-choicers on Earth. (picture an image of a fetus in the womb)....