
Examples of Health ironies

Following is a collection of all Health ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Health

Is It Ironic That...?

201 Is it ironic if a man with the flu takes flu medicine and has an allergic reaction?...

202 A Fitness Center has Escalators?

203 Is it ironic that I got a chemical burn that is shaped like a smiley face?...

204 when you have a fever, your temperatures hot but you feel cold ??

205 A dentist gives you a lollypop after giving you a filling

206 a drug used to treat depression has suicidal thoughts listed as one of its side effects....

207 It is ironic that I was too tired to go to a scheduled seminar on fatigue?...

208 Is it ironic that a woman tried to purchase tobacco with healthy living coupons?...

209 that i could not talk because i have a talking disorder

210 Someone has been running for 17 hours and still hasn't finished a marathon that most people can walk in 13 hours?...

211 a man was driving to speak about safe driving. he was in a car accident...

212 You injured yourself by dropping the first aid kit on your foot

213 Oh, the irony! Recently, as I typed away writing a grant application for COPD grant funding, the people sitting behind me in the waiting area I was in, reeked of stale, musty cigarette smoke! I considered asking them to proof it for me....

214 Someone would use a lung cancer model as an ash tray?

215 Snake venom is used in the cure of snake bites?

216 drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can prevent heart disease whereas drinking heavily can stop it...

217 a obese man driving a vehicle that has a sign saying, "CALL ME ON HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT!"?...

218 ..I caught a cold during a really hot summer day?

219 I work around kids and am constantly having them lysol everything in the room to keep the germs away and the only person who keeps getting sick is ME!...

220 i am 63 and still at work

221 a surgeon cuts himself?

222 poeple wear belts, yet their pants still sag.

223 Is it ironic that while I had strep throat, I coughed up a bit of blood in the perfect shape of a heart? Later accompanied by other splotches of blood....

224 a friend asked me about the side effects of a medical condition I have. I rattled off the first few, but couldn't remember that memory loss was one of them....

225 a heart surgeon died from a heart attack?