
Examples of Health ironies

Following is a collection of all Health ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Health

Is It Ironic That...?

126 An area that has clean water has rain that is poison

127 health insurance, which is supposed to make health care cheaper, is wickedly expensive?...

128 Im a flu champion (I give flu vaccines at work and nag others to have them) and now I have flu...

129 Is it ironic that I've been studying all about appendectomies and I just got appendicitis?...

130 Misery loves company? Don't doctors advise to seek company when feeling down?...

131 Is it ironic that a heroin addict in the UK stole my afghan military issue deployment bag?...

132 You try to sleep in a dream?

133 Is it ironic that I spent my whole pregnancy researching, planning for, and anticipating a natural home-birth and in the end winded up in the hospital with an emergency c-section?...

134 my 1st grade student told me that her dad got sick and threw up last night... from eating too much of her Halloween candy....

135 aspects of the United States healthcare system, one of the richest in the world, are compared to the health care systems in severely poor countries...

136 cancer research scientist recently undergoes chemotherapy

137 That my boyfriend got appendicitis over a week ago and has had his appendix removed and now I am laying in a hospital bed - post surgery after being diagnosed with appendicitis and just had it removed?...

138 I vaccumed my house to get rid of dog hair before my allergic boyfriend came over, but there was no bag in the vacuum and I blew dog hair all over the entire house....

139 Is it ironic that a pregnant woman told me I was getting fat?

140 I absolutely can't stand people smoking near me, but I put up with my father smoking...

141 I wake up from a nap and feel sleepier than I was before.

142 My wife wants me to stay at my job because they give me great health insurance, but the stress from my job is actually what's making me sick....

143 I am trying to give someone with a phobia of therapists therapy.

144 I bought a packet of cigarettes and a packet of lockets for a sore throat?...

145 Eyelashes are evolutions way of keeping dust and debris out of eyes yet end up being the thing that gets in our eyes the most?...

146 You get injured trying to get fit.

147 That a infected squirrel shutdown a campground

148 my gym teacher looks like she's eligible to be on Biggest Loser?

149 my sibling says that I'm lazy yet he himself was too lazy to grab the TV remote on the table less than a foot away from him?...

150 Is it ironic that my father had a subdural hematoma (brain bleed) in the same area of his brain where my mother had a stroke seven months before?...