
Examples of Death ironies

Following is a collection of all Death ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Death

Is It Ironic That...?

126 A woman in a relationship noticed her stomach was swelling and believed she was pregnant. She went to the doctor with excitement, but discovered it was a tumor instead and her life was in danger....

127 Someone is run over and killed by an ambulance?

128 Someone is run over and killed by a hearse?

129 when someone accused of murder gets acquitted for lack of evidence but then gets a lawyer to fire off a letter saying that posts on the internet about how they got away with murder made them feel "physically and psychologically threatened."...

130 (spoiler alert) Robb Stark, rumoured to be impossible to kill, ends up one of the bloodiest fatality's in the show....

131 I saved a man from a catastrophic accident only to have him pass away from a heart attack a few hours later....

132 Man dies in wreck, trapped by seatbelt. Kids thrown safely from car.

133 Is it ironic that lone survivors of a world ending cataclysm are the cause of another worlds end?...

134 I nearly choked to death when I inhaled Nestle Pure Life water?

135 a woman driving and texting posts "The happy song makes me HAPPY!" just seconds before she crashes and dies in a car accident....

136 someone died while posting a status on Facebook about being happy?

137 You got killed by avoiding death

138 isn't it ironic that my radiation therapy starts on the anniversary of my daughters death?...

139 Someone talks about death and then the next day actually dies themselves?...

140 people are nearly killed by the very people who save lives? Paramedics?...

141 most people don't get out of life alive?

142 Is it ironic that my ex girlfriend's father is buried in the same mausoleum wall as my mother?...

143 life is short.

144 A person refuses a gift, and instead of walking over and accepting that gift, they walk into the street and get hot by a car....

145 a road safety advocate dies in a road accident?

146 In the film 'The Untouchables', Kevin Costner throws the main villain off the roof of a high building and he lands on top of a car. When asked where he is later on in the courthouse, he replies 'He's in the car'....

147 A young 20y.o. male is the ORIGINAL FOUNDER of a violent street gang involved in violent crime, including murder. After caught and convicted of his crimes, he is sentenced to a long prison term. Now in his late 40s, he has wisdom that allows him to see the ways of a better life. He speaks out against gangs and gang violence. As a result of his loud proclamations against the gangs, the very gang he founded has now ordered his death....

148 A girl says she thinks a known serial killer is sexy and later ends up being one of his victims...

149 A man is afraid of home invasion so he buys a gun to protect himself. When a burglar does breaks into his home he scrambles for his gun an accidentally shoots himself to death....

150 people afraid of death are 'scared to death'?