
Examples of Death ironies

Following is a collection of all Death ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Death

Is It Ironic That...?

101 My ex husbands grandmother died of natural causes on my birthday? She had 364 other days to choose from....

102 A "pyrrhic victory" is one so devastating to the victors that they are effectively defeated, unable to fight further....

103 Chris Kyle did four tours of duty in Iraq and was killed back home in Texas....

104 Not living your life while trying to evade death

105 that a doctor named after a detective can't solve a mystery surrounding an illness?...

106 A woman tries to commit suicide but is unsuccessful. A few days later, the woman is murdered by a friend....

107 when a person witnesses the death of another, their life begins

108 that I have to wait until someone dies in the funeral industry to get a job in the funeral industry?...

109 If a shoemaker was trampled to death

110 an online personality, who received the most love from a particular country, would end up dying unexpectedly in that country while on vacation?...

111 I smoke but love life

112 I had a dream that I died from drowning because I couldn't swim, despite the fact that I'm a lifeguard and swim coach....

113 Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease? What are the odds?

114 A killer kills his first victim who's name is Mary and then meets his second victim in a bar and she's drinking a 'bloody Mary' drink?...

115 Is it ironic that after getting caught in a storm out at sea and almost capsizing in the boat (which drowning is one of my biggest fears) that upon making it to shore my dad had tagged me in a cartoon post of death holding a tooth brush with a caption saying "Relax its just a brush with death?"...

116 A man believes in the necessity of war but doesn't think anybody deserves to die?...

117 My friend stopped talking to me the day my son died and now she has a terminal illness?...

118 A regular person doing quotidian things, gets struck by a bolt of lightning and dies immediately...

119 all of these dead people are killing my vibe?

120 mountain goats fall to their death?

121 Is it ironic for someone to kill and torture their lifelong friend and then miss them deeply for the rest of their life?...

122 the daughter of the commandant of Auschwitz death camp moved to America and ended up working for Jews for 30 years?...

123 Douglas McAurthur McCain leaves America to join, fight, and die with ISIS?...

124 People are horrified when they witness a death even though it's so common and everyone has to go through it...

125 a person's last minutes of their life were also their longest minutes