Following is a collection of all Art ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.
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Is It Ironic That...?
101 Is is ironic that a feather shaped earring is carved out of wood?
103 My friend was able to travel to the Uffizi Museum in Italy, knows nothing of Art or History and therefore did not appreciate it( she was actually bored) Yet I am unable to go and I am a Historian....
104 A tattoo that says "Nothing is Permanent"
105 I intentionally watch so-bad-its-good movies or listen to "bad" pop songs and then say I do it ironically?...
106 is it ironic that french comedian Moliere got sick from playing "the imaginary invalid" and eventually died?...
107 is it ironic that Captain Marvel is a dc superhero
108 Anakin Skywalker submitted to the dark side as Darth Vader despite that he himself was destined to bring balance to the force?...
109 ...a professional actor fails a drama course.
110 Is it ironic that a famous artist can draw a very simple stick figure and sign the "artwork" which then sells for millions of dollars only because it was drawn by this famous person?...
111 A artist made a drawing that came alive to attack the town, but it attacks him....
112 There is a painting of a man painting a painting?
113 Someone makes a tree made out of origami paper, ie: A tree made out of dead trees. Is it ironic?...
114 A dad who's covered in tattoos won't let his own daughter get one..
115 Is it ironic that an incredibly successful artist and writer has dreams that are always bland and dull?...
116 the song "somebody is watching me" by Rockwell has you watch the paranoid singer sing about somebody watching him...
117 in a painting it shows a skeleton with doves coming out of its mouth?
118 an artist dies when his own sculpture crushes him to death.
This excerpt from a page on the official Star Wars site:
"But as a fun aside, Michel d'Annoville also decided to create the Hip Hop Yoda Easter Egg secretly located on the Revenge of the Sith DVD. Ironically, the rapping Yoda sequence was never initially intended to be hidden on the DVD."
Er...there's irony in there? Where?! Link here:
120 poets, who know how to express so many beautiful things, are some of the most miserable people on the planet...