Following is a collection of all Art ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.
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Is It Ironic That...?
76 in the show, Doctor Who, the Doctors' companion was told by everyone that she was nothing special, not good enough, but at one point in the show she was the most important person in the universe but the doctor had to wipe her memory so now she can't even remember that at one time in her life she was important?...
77 Is it ironic that an actor who grew up in Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, did not realize he wanted to become an actor until he moved away?...
78 Is it ironic that someone said that she likes warm colors, but her favorite color is blue....
79 We spent more on a marketing awards night than we did on the marketing campaign that won the award?...
80 South Park mocks over the top extremes by using over the top extremes?
81 Graffiti on a wall, "SPREAD ANARCHY" is marked out and added, "Don't tell me what to do"...
82 I saw a play directed by my drama teacher at the same time as my dad met with one of the most famous directers in the world?...
83 someone would draw/paint a landscape of trees on a piece of paper?
84 Many users of photo sharing websites don't give their real name on their profile (to hide their identity?) but include their name clearly in a watermark on their photos...
85 I went to school to study to be anything but a painter and now I am a painter?...
86 on the 1970s game show Match Game, the producers added a Star Wheel with all the panelists' names to prevent contestants from constantly picking panelist Richard Dawson for the Head-To-Head Match and to give all the panelists an equal turn, and the first time it was spun, it landed on Richard Dawson?...
87 I hate technology and am horrible at using computers, but chose my major to be graphic design....
88 Jane Fonda was cast as Nancy Reagan in the movie "The Butler?"...
89 All those sci-fi movies, particularly American-made where we are perpetually obsessed with the notion of extra terrestrial beings coming to earth, sucking up our resources, seeking power to rule over us all and destroying our planet and our people. ...
90 the recent court ruling in the entertainment industry, which makes it illegal to hire interns without pay ---was filed by two interns from the movie The Black Swan ? (Think about the Black Swan Theory) The court ruling will prove to be a game-changer in the entertainment industry, which feeds of of unpaid interns to the grunt work. Every employer who hires unpaid interns will now fear being sued....
91 a man was arrested for publishing an uncensored picture of the penis of a statue... in Japan, one of the world's leading pornography industries....
92 a stop sign is defaced with a plea not to deface stop signs
93 oil lamps were made our of light bulbs?
94 A new art teacher was teaching her first class, but in the middle of the session, she realized she wanted to be a dentist?...
95 (Background: I love art and drawing and I am hoping to study art in a few years..) Out of aaall the letters and things I've received from various colleges, many of which I am not interested in, I received my *first* letter from an art school today....
96 I wear a watch that doesn't tell time (I do it because I have a passion 4 fashion.)...
97 I voted for a photo in a competition and it was pulled because it didn't meet the theme but the one that won was taken 8 years ago and the photos are only supposed to be taking in the past year?...
98 Is it ironic that my cat walked over and slept on my art work of a cat?...
99 I designed a vase that looks like a flower?
100 a piece of artwork intended to be ironic is simply a canvas with the words "ironic art" printed onto it?...