
Examples of Animal ironies

Following is a collection of all Animal ironic questions that have been added by our visitors. If you have an example of something ironic (or not!), add your ironic question.

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Ironic Questions: Animal

Is It Ironic That...?

76 a bull dog does not relate to a bull

77 In a picture of a bunny, the ran boy's ears are not seen, but instead a person's hand is shown making "bunny ears" behind its head....

78 The Beaver got stuck under a tree chew iorny

79 A dog ate itself to deat?

80 Dogs live for 15 years and they walk, run and jump and turtles live for 150 years and they don't do anything??...

81 a jellyfish is neither made of jelly or a fish?

82 the giant homicidal T-Rex is the ancestor of chickens?

83 my dog got ran over by a animal resuce truck

84 A goldfish called shark

85 I named my cat after a famous mouse, Mickey.

86 i named my dog cat?

87 a chicken named Lucky lives in a slaughterhouse?

88 I noticed that a snail was on a sidewalk, and I was scared that it would get stepped on. So, I picked it up to carry it to safer place, only to accidently step on another snail along the way..?...

89 A turtle ran away from home.

90 A solidier got arrested for stealing his own cow

91 I moved a snail off the path so it wouldn't get stepped on, only to, whilst walking to a spot to put the snail to safety, step on and crush another snail?...

92 hippie vegan feeds her cats with food that contains meat?

93 Is it ironic that the snake Harry Potter released in book 1 was Voldemort's last horcrux (Nagini) in book 7?...

94 a frozen meat truck hits a cow

95 ...a shark is on a vegetarian diet?

96 a Great Dane was named "Tinkerbell?"

97 The rescue animal center had murdered an animal.

98 A guy named a dog gygantor but the dog was smaller then a cat

99 bears are acually hairy

100 A bear eats a guy in a PETA shirt.